Forecast Your Local COVID-19 Impact with Oliver Wyman's Pandemic Navigator
As COVID-19 cases increase and many states roll back to earlier phases of reopening, Oliver Wyman is helping IGA retailers prepare by making its COVID-19 Pandemic Navigator available to the entire Alliance.
Use the Navigator to see the predicted forecast for new and cumulative Coronavirus cases in your specific county, see how effective containment and suppression measures in your area have been, gain insights into how to manage after the peak, and study future containment scenarios that may be needed until a vaccine or a scale treatment solution is in place. Start exploring the Navigator now.
Total Store Growth Slows in Brick & Mortar, Grocery and Household Care Rise
In their weekly COVID-19 shopping insights, Nielsen reports that total store growth continued to slow down in brick & mortar, while online sales accelerated last week. Grocery and household care categories rose up to be in the top-five departments. Beverages and salty snacks accounted for most of the grocery growth both online and offline. For the first time since COVID started, alcohol lost its top-five department status.
Online growth was fueled by an increase in buyers, while trips and baskets remained strong. Shoppers continued to avoid going to stores with in-store trips consistently down in the latest COVID weeks with the exception of club and dollar channels.
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Narrowing the SNAP Gap: How Independent Grocers Can Integrate SNAP Online
Coping With COVID: An Outlook on the Future Impact
When COVID cases increase among the general population, food retailers must remain ever vigilant in maintaining a high level of sanitation, safety, and trust.
In last week's webinar, Dr. David Acheson, former associate commissioner for foods at the FDA and chief medical officer at the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service, discussed operational best practices, such as employee wellness screening, as well as potential trajectory of infections, vaccine development, and potential supply chain risks. Watch the full webinar here, courtesy of NGA.
Earning the Share We Have Received
The pandemic has brought great sales growth to grocers, and now it's time to build continued loyalty on top of that growth. IGA CEO John Ross examines how consumers' shopping habits have changed and explains how retailers can retain their shoppers once the pandemic is over.