Tips & resources for making the most of Sept. Family Meals Month; grocery giveaway promotes healthy eating on a budget
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Susan Borra, RD Chief Health & Wellness Officer – FMI Foundation Executive Director, FMI Foundation
Do You Have a Seat at the Family Meals Table?
National Family Meals Month™ was created by the Food Marketing Institute (FMI) Foundation to help food retailers support shoppers in bringing their families to the table for more in-home family meals. FMI’s Susan Borra shares why you’ll want to be a part of the Family Meals Movement this September.
Build Meal Solution Momentum & Sales with Family Meals Month
September’s Family Meals Month will be here before you know it. Check out these tips to help you educate shoppers on the importance of family meals, and best practices for becoming the go-to resource for family meal solutions.
Enter IGA’s Best Practice Awards for a Chance to Win $1,000!
We’re highlighting IGA retailers' sales-building solutions in the 2020 Best Practice Awards. Submit your best practices by August 31, 2019 for a free registration for the 2020 IGA Global Rally, and a chance to be named a mid-year finalist in the running for a $1,000 grand prize awarded at the Rally.
Need Some Inspiration?
Just in time for Family Meals Month, check out some of our most popular—and profitable—best practices for increasing sales with meal solutions.
Learn how Ocean Shores IGA partnered with local healthcare organizations to promote healthy eating on a tight budget, giving away 250 bags of nutritious food to members of their rural coastal community.
Red Oval Partner Clif Bar Takes Center Stage
The first-ever Clif Kid national TV ad campaign is coming in August, just in time for back to school—and your upcoming National Digital Ad offer!
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Have an idea for content or questions about the editorial calendar? Email Ashley Page, editor of The IGA Minute.For advertising queries, contact IGA’s Barbara Wiest.
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