IGA manager named Red Cross “Real Hero” for saving lives; Supermarket Management Class is almost full; 4 new Red Ovals join the family
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Building Stronger Teams with Int’l Supermarket Management Class
Each year new and seasoned store and department managers from around the world join together to learn about global trends, discover best practices, and share experiences at the Int’l Supermarket Management Class. This year’s classes—one each for the East and West Coasts—are filling up quickly. Register today, and bring back ideas that will immediately improve results in your store.
Meal Solutions Capture $2,000 A Week in Sales
Brooks Marsh, Mahomet IGA
Learn how Mahomet IGA catered to the time-starved shopper and captured an additional $2,000 in sales with their "Quick and Easy" meal solutions center, which includes pre-made microwaveable meals, ready-to-heat customization options, and meal kits.
Have a Best Practice of Your Own?
We want to hear it! Share your best practice today.
Every Day Heroes
Many IGA staff go above and beyond their job descriptions, but Star City IGA’s Joe Theriault went much further when he ran into a burning building behind the store to save lives. Read more about this American Red Cross “Real Heroes” honoree.
Getting to Know IGA Retailer Skip Nugent
Tune in each week for a just-for-fun glimpse into the life of an IGA family member. You could be next!
David Fikes Vice President, Communications and Consumer/Community Affairs, Food Marketing Institute
Grocers Doing Good
IGA retailers are known around the world for their rich tradition of community service. Shine a light on your community enriching efforts with FMI’s Community Outreach Awards. Deadline to apply is coming up!
Welcoming the Red Oval Family's Newest Members
Today the Red Oval Family includes more than 50 dedicated manufacturing and service provider partners working to support you, including four new members this year!
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Have an idea for content or questions about the editorial calendar? Email Ashley Page, editor of The IGA Minute.For advertising queries, contact IGA’s Barbara Wiest.
IGA Inc. 8745 West Higgins Road STE: 350 Chicago IL 60631 United States
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