Insights from NGA's Capitol fly-in; a monthly meat sale timed with SNAP distribution reaps rewards; Stodola's IGA hosts congressional visit
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September 19, 2019
John Ross IGA President & CEO
Leveraging Our Voice
Fresh from the National Grocers Association’s (NGA) fly-in on Capitol Hill, IGA CEO John Ross shares insights about his meetings with policymakers, the issues impacting independent retailers, and how by working together with NGA and new CEO Greg Ferrara, IGA retailers have a powerful voice in Washington.
6 Simple Steps to Increase Sales this Holiday Season
With over $130 billion in holiday food sales on the line and nearly 50 percent of shoppers prepared to shop locally this season, now’s the time to start planning the holiday promotions that will make your store become shoppers’ store of choice in the holiday madness. Check out these tips from IGA retailers for providing a memorable, fun, and convenient holiday shopping experience.
Bulk Meat Boxes Reap 33% in Pure Profits
See how Lee’s IGA caters to price-conscious shoppers and competes with lower-priced retailers by hosting a monthly bulk meat sale timed to coincide with the distribution of SNAP benefits.
Have a Best Practice of Your Own?
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Stodola’s IGA Hosts U.S. Rep for Store Visit
How do you ensure your elected officials understand how policy issues impact your day-to-day operations? A store tour—like the one the National Grocers Association (NGA) recently set up for IGA retailer Alex Stodola—could make all the difference.
Join Us for the Next Category Webinar Looking to build center store profit? IGA CEO John Ross invites you to attend IGA’s next category webinar, Building Cereal Sales, for a deep dive into increasing sales in the ever-important cereal aisle.
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Have an idea for content or questions about the editorial calendar? Email Ashley Page, editor of The IGA Minute.For advertising queries, contact IGA’s Barbara Wiest.
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