How to Adapt Holiday Catering & Meal Solutions to Attract Shoppers
Since March, COVID-19 has driven significant market share from restaurants to grocery stores as consumers isolate and stay at home. And yet, as a surge in COVID cases leads to smaller holiday gatherings, concerns are mounting that grocery sales will lag and more people will turn to restaurants to provide smaller, catered holiday meals. Find out how independents are adapting their holiday offerings to meet the challenge and capture catering sales.
Brackett's Market Delivers a Hero's Welcome
When Kimberly Brackett of Brackett’s Market in Bath, Maine, joined 13 local IGA retailers and Bozzuto's Hometown Foundation to fund the purchase and training of Hero the pup, she hoped he would live up to his name. Little did she know he would save the life of a local man. Spend a minute reading Hero's story and learn how Brackett's Market celebrated the smart pup.
Gingerbread Pancakes
Give your shoppers a fresh spin on a weekend breakfast classic: gingerbread pancakes. Featuring spices that conjure up feelings of holiday magic and a healthy dose of Greek yogurt, shoppers will love this recipe from Chobani. Share it with the click of a button.
Want more information from the IGA Global Rally? Visit the Agenda page for session videos and information downloads, and the Partner Insights page for tactics from our Red Oval Partners on managing your business during COVID-19 and beyond.
Manufacturer Insights
This week, we're featuring insights from our manufacturing partners. Find out how the pandemic has impacted these categories and identify opportunities for growth by visiting their pages, linked below.
IGA is creating a new visual marketing & merchandising program to provide seasonal content and in-store signage in an easy-to-use quarterly kit, delivered to your store.
Before we can proceed, we need to hear from you! Please take this survey to tell us if you think a quarterly sign kit would add value to your store.
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