On Tuesday, October 26, 2021, we hosted our IGA Global Rally virtual conference, covering the most important topics facing independent grocers today while showing sales-building IGA programs in action at Geissler's Supermarket IGA in Somers, Connecticut. This IGA Minute Global Rally Edition provides key takeaways and video excerpts from all of the IGA Global Rally sessions, plus resources on valuable IGA programs.
John Ross
Challenges & Opportunities for Independent Grocers in COVID & Beyond
In this keynote presentation, IGA CEO John Ross offers suggestions on how retailers can use shopper behavior data and insights with IGA tools to overcome their biggest challenges and capitalize on available opportunities.
How Local Equals Fresh Drives Sales
With shoppers craving local produce, meats, and goods, independents have an opportunity to differentiate—not just by carrying local goods, but by sharing with shoppers where the goods come from and the stories of their growers and makers. Watch this in-store session from Geissler's Supermarket IGA and hear from IGA International Retailer of the Year Bob Rybick about best practices on incorporating the Local Equals Fresh branding throughout your stores.
Beating National Competitors Through eCommerce
eCommerce is not only here to stay, but it's necessary for independent retailers to stay competitive. See first hand the value eCommerce has delivered to shoppers during the pandemic and now, how it works, and how retailers can get shoppers engaged in using eCommerce programs.
How to Save Money With Market Analysis
While there's plenty of data at our fingertips, how can retailers effectively interpret that information to make better advertising decisions? Watch this session for a full break-down of how IGA's digital programs and data analytics work together to deliver a market analysis that improves each independent retailer's ad spend, reach, and effectiveness.
A Minute With Bozzuto's: Supply Issues
With supply issues impacting everything from prices to stock, shoppers and retailers are stressed. What's a retailer to do? Bozzuto's Executive Vice President George Motel provides a glimpse into how wholesalers have been impacted and how they have been working with their retailers throughout the pandemic.
How Private Label Drives Shopper Loyalty
As private label sales grew during the pandemic, so did shopper loyalty to specific private brands. Watch the session to learn what focus groups revealed about IGA Exclusive Brand products and see the new labels and in-store signage promoting the double-your-money-back guarantee.
Access Key Category Insights on Partner Pages
IGA's Red Oval partners and sponsors delivered key category insights throughout the IGA Global Rally, including upcoming product innovations, visual merchandising tips, and shopper behaviors. Visit the Partner Insights Pages to learn more from manufacturing and business optimization partners.
We'd also like to thank our session and break sponsors Chobani, Coca-Cola, Bimbo, and Ashgrove Marketing for their support throughout the Rally.
2021 IGA Global Rally Prize Winners
Find out who won during the Rally, from the $100 IGA gift card instant winners to the grand prize winners. Thanks to everyone who watched and entered to win!
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