How An Energy Audit Can Upgrade Your Store: Webinar Recap
Financing is available for rural grocers to upgrade to energy efficient appliances through a USDA-backed program. Get the details on the grant and how to apply in this webinar recap (and access the recording) featuring IGA CEO John Ross and Ratio Institute Co-founder Peter Cooke.
Inspiration & Insights: Red Oval Meeting Recap
From discussions on the evolving grocery landscape to success stories from renowned brands, find out how CPGs and independent retailers are driving sales with the Red Oval Program.
TOMORROW: Unlocking Your Store for Cyber Criminals? 5 Habits to Break Now!
In time for holiday hacking, learn easy-to-implement solutions to protect your stores from cyber criminals during tomorrow's webinar with Millennium Digital Technologies President & CIO Ken Andrews and IGA CEO John Ross. Register below.
Support the Purple Leash Project With New Signage
Nestlé Purina PetCare's fall campaign is underway, raising awareness of the Purple Leash Project and solicit donations to make pet-friendly domestic violence shelters more accessible nationwide. Get details on the campaign and a link to order signage.
The IGA Minute is a weekly newsletter delivering the IGA news you need. For questions, story ideas, or advertising inquiries, email Jessica Vician.
IGA Inc., 8745 W. Higgins Rd., STE 210, Chicago, IL 60631