Help Isom IGA recover from devasting floods
Help Isom IGA recover from devasting floods
Location: Geraldton, WA Australia
Owner: John Rigter
Operations Manager: Stuart Bain
Difficulty: Moderate
Store Specs: Queens Supa IGA – 3400 sq meters (approx 36,500 sq ft)
Rigters Supa IGA – 1400 sq meters (approx 15,000 sq ft)
Wonthella Supa IGA – 1200 sq meters (approx 12,900 sq ft)
To promote our new loyalty card, two years ago we approached about 25 local businesses and asked if they would like to offer a discount to customers who showed our loyalty card at their businesses. They could offer any discount they liked and we would then advertise it at our shops, on our website, and on our Facebook page. Very quickly we had businesses approaching us asking to be a part of it. As a result of these partnerships, we saw a spike in loyalty card sign-ups by customers.
We now have nearly 50 locally-owned businesses as part of our Rigters Rewards Program, and recently saw another spike in sign-ups when we highlighted the growing number of local businesses on board. Some of our partners have mentioned that about half of their customers now present our loyalty cards at their businesses for discounts.
The partnerships benefit our stores, our partners' stores, and the town's shoppers. They allow us more opportunities to advertise our business by getting in front of potential customers at our partners' stores. Our customers receive more value with their rewards card, and the program drives home the "Shop Local" message throughout the town, all at very little cost to us. All discounts can be seen here.
Nearly 50 locally-owned businesses participating.
For Our Shoppers
For Our Store
We spent about $1,000–$2,000 to put bold signage at each of our three supermarkets to highlight this program to customers. We also paid for an A3 Frame and poster for each loyalty partner to display in their shopfront/front window when they signed up, which cost about $50–$60 per partner, but we thought this was an exceptional value to be able to advertise our loyalty card in all these businesses around town.
Pro Tip
8745 West Higgins Rd. Ste 210
Chicago, IL 60631
Phone: (773) 693-4520
Fax: (773) 693-4533