Help Isom IGA recover from devasting floods
Help Isom IGA recover from devasting floods
Elevate your advertising strategy with our cutting-edge digital media buying desk!
We'll help you show customers what separates your store from the competition through video ads, display ads, and digital offers. Shoppers are receiving and seeking more information than ever these days.
The best part? No outrageous agency fees. We are one of the lowest cost options on the market!
Run your ads on Connected TV and OTT (Over The Top) to reach your shoppers on:
Target your neighborhoods and show them what makes you unique!
Make the ads yourself or we can make them for you. Either way, we'll handle the media buy for optimal placement.
Stay top-of-mind with programmatic display ads that drive results!
Link shoppers to:
With our digital circulars powered by DesignHouse, you have the opportunity to replace or augment your print campaigns.
IGA's National Digital Ad combines your local circular with national offers, giving IGA retailers and their shoppers access to the same kinds of national offers that large chains get. New offers debut every other week on IGA's interactive, eye catching, and mobile friendly app.8745 West Higgins Rd. Ste 210
Chicago, IL 60631
Phone: (773) 693-4520
Fax: (773) 693-4533