Help Isom IGA recover from devasting floods
Help Isom IGA recover from devasting floods
Neighborhoods—in even small communities—change fast. And if the perception of your marketplace is based only on the customers coming through your door, you’re not growing your business.
Affordable and effective marketplace and shopper analysis can provide the meaningful feedback and data you need to help you revitalize your competitive strategy, bring in new shoppers, and better serve the ones you have. Find out:
On average, IGA test retailers saved in excess of $10,000 annually on weekly ad costs working with ADvay to optimize their business and create a media plan that better reflects their customers’ media consumption.
By adding a customer survey to better understand their perceptions of your store and an employee survey to recognize gaps between management, staff, and even customers, you'll gain the full 360º experience—and an analysis that increases sales, margins, and employee satisfaction.
Want to learn more? Click the button below.
What percent of the market share does your competition own within a 5, 10, or 15 minute drive? How strong their marketing share? We use mobile phone tracking and other sources to compile the data that answers those questions so you can create a plan of attack.
We will identify key categories to grow your market share and benchmarks of consumer spend and food-at-home in your market. Our detailed customer tracking maps will provide:
Learn about employee and shopper perception through our surveys:
Existing Customer Survey
Employee Survey
Non-Customer Survey
Net Promoter Score Benchmarks - NPS
Customer Verbatim Comments
We will help you create and execute your action plan, and are available to assist with key elements that need more resources. We take that data and apply it to your everyday and event-based marketing needs with the Monthly Marketing Program. Let us do the work for you to compete and succeed!
We track retail sales at the category and sub-category level, and will report results monthly, with a quarterly review with the retailer.
8745 West Higgins Rd. Ste 210
Chicago, IL 60631
Phone: (773) 693-4520
Fax: (773) 693-4533